February 23rd

Memorization challenge: "And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:31,32)
One another verse of the week: "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge." (James 4:11)
Worshiping Jesus: As you worship through the week, remember back to the time you first responded to God's call to be a follower of Jesus. How has that journey changed you? How has it challenged you? What areas in your life do you still see a need for further transformation?
Equipping believers: In what ways, if any, does this story challenge our view of who belongs in God's kingdom? Are there any people or groups we tend to judge like the Pharisees did? How can we show them the love of Jesus? What would it look like today to “leave everything and follow Jesus” and what are some things that you would find difficult to leave behind in a pursuit of God's calling on your life?
Engaging others: How can we create space in our lives to reach out to those who feel far from God. How can we leverage our homes or spaces to create opportunities to build relationships with others and share the love of Jesus with them?

Engage Table

At the Welcome Center located in the Foyer (by the Worship Center).
Stop by the Engage Table to sign up for upcoming events or studies.

Upcoming Events

Summer 2025

mark your calendars

Bible Studies & Prayer Meetings

Worship Through Giving 

Budget Receipts Last Week         $7,755.01
Total Budget Rec’d 2025         $114,107.63
Budget Needed                         $136,525.62

Sunday Service:

9am and 10:30am - In-Person
10:30am - Online (firstjoplin.org/live)



SuperKids (Birth thru Kindergarten) - Littles Department
SlimeTime (1st-5th Grade) - The Bunker
Storehouse (6th-12th Grade) - Worship Center/Gym
First Men's Bible Study - Room 206
First Women's Bible Study: Ephesians - Room 202
To find out more, look for our next First Look Lunch or 

Church Staff:

Jamie Tickel - Lead Pastor
Jason Taylor - Youth and Worship Pastor
Heather Herrin - Interim Kids Director
Ryan Young - Collegiate Minister
Ken Hawkins- Senior Adult Pastor
Jess Whitehead - Student Ministry Associate
Charity Anderson - Nursery/Preschool Director
Faith Smilko - Interim Admin Assistant
Austin Buckner - Creative Arts & Technology Director
Carrie Morrell - Financial Assistant
Landon Budke - Ministry Assistant
Ralph Maness - Exceptional Needs Specialist & Nursery/Preschool
Angel Hughes - Nursery/Preschool
Jennifer Clark - Custodian
Barry Huff - Maintenance
Our mailing address is:
4128 Connecticut Ave, Joplin, MO 64804

Contact us at 417-624-4585

Online Giving