July 27th, 2022
by Ryan Young
by Ryan Young
To believers:
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,”
Ephesians 4:1
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Paul a lot of times would refer to himself as different things. In this verse it’s a prisoner of the Lord. We know that sometimes when he would pen these letters it would be from a jail cell.
Yet he kept on writing.
As followers of Christ we have a calling upon our lives. I’m not talking about a vocational ministry calling. I’m talking about the calling that comes with salvation. Salvation. Wow. May we never get over that in our lives. I think sometimes we lose the zeal that came with our salvation in Jesus.
Paul urges the church at Ephesus as well as the church of today to live life in such a way that honors the calling we have. Can you believe what Jesus did for you? Can you fathom that sacrifice? Paul got it. On that road to Damascus as he was preparing to persecute more people of the Way, it all changed. When Paul embraced the Cross of Jesus everything changed. Radical transformation from a lost individual that hated the church to a found follower of Christ who loved the church deeply. He never looked back to Saul. He knew what it meant to live life, worthy of this calling.
Back to us. We are called to do the same. We look back to the old self and sometimes still struggle in that. Maybe even return to that. I’m not saying that we don’t struggle. I’m saying that we should forget the old self and run to the Cross. Paul wasn’t perfect but man what an example he was in this. The guy was imprisoned, shipwrecked, beaten and even got bit by a snake and lived yet he remained true to the calling that started on that road in Acts 9. If Jesus has changed your life there should be evidence of that. In America it seems to be just a struggle to get to church on Sunday. If everyone would just show up weekly (that’s every Sunday) churches would be crowded again. We are satisfied sometimes with once a month or maybe two times. Minimal Christianity is alive and well. Oh may we strive for more.
Are you walking in a manner that’s worthy of the calling that is on your life? Are you living your life for the Gospel daily? I pray that this article would inspire you to if not. I pray that this would point you back to your first love in Jesus. I pray that the church of today would walk in a manner worthy of the calling of which we have been given. He’s worth it.
All glory to Christ!
In Him,
-Ryan Young
Collegiate Minister
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,”
Ephesians 4:1
This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Paul a lot of times would refer to himself as different things. In this verse it’s a prisoner of the Lord. We know that sometimes when he would pen these letters it would be from a jail cell.
Yet he kept on writing.
As followers of Christ we have a calling upon our lives. I’m not talking about a vocational ministry calling. I’m talking about the calling that comes with salvation. Salvation. Wow. May we never get over that in our lives. I think sometimes we lose the zeal that came with our salvation in Jesus.
Paul urges the church at Ephesus as well as the church of today to live life in such a way that honors the calling we have. Can you believe what Jesus did for you? Can you fathom that sacrifice? Paul got it. On that road to Damascus as he was preparing to persecute more people of the Way, it all changed. When Paul embraced the Cross of Jesus everything changed. Radical transformation from a lost individual that hated the church to a found follower of Christ who loved the church deeply. He never looked back to Saul. He knew what it meant to live life, worthy of this calling.
Back to us. We are called to do the same. We look back to the old self and sometimes still struggle in that. Maybe even return to that. I’m not saying that we don’t struggle. I’m saying that we should forget the old self and run to the Cross. Paul wasn’t perfect but man what an example he was in this. The guy was imprisoned, shipwrecked, beaten and even got bit by a snake and lived yet he remained true to the calling that started on that road in Acts 9. If Jesus has changed your life there should be evidence of that. In America it seems to be just a struggle to get to church on Sunday. If everyone would just show up weekly (that’s every Sunday) churches would be crowded again. We are satisfied sometimes with once a month or maybe two times. Minimal Christianity is alive and well. Oh may we strive for more.
Are you walking in a manner that’s worthy of the calling that is on your life? Are you living your life for the Gospel daily? I pray that this article would inspire you to if not. I pray that this would point you back to your first love in Jesus. I pray that the church of today would walk in a manner worthy of the calling of which we have been given. He’s worth it.
All glory to Christ!
In Him,
-Ryan Young
Collegiate Minister
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