June 22nd, 2022
by Ken Hawkins
by Ken Hawkins
“ Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us and are ready now for reaping. 36 The reapers will be paid good wages and will be gathering eternal souls into the granaries of heaven! What joys await the Sower and the reaper, both together! 37 For it is true that one sows and someone else reaps.” John 4:35-37 TLB
Do you know the number one evangelism tool the church has today is VBS? Number two is camp! I was excited to see one of our children come forward at the service on Sunday to announce her decision to follow the Lord in baptism after accepting Christ as her Savior at children’s camp. I think her family was overcome with great joy as they had been praying for that decision!
We are in the middle of the harvest season for souls. As the church sends children and youth to camp and hosts day camp and VBS, many will be challenged with the claims of Christ. That those who know Christ will be challenged to embrace Christian principals and grow in their walk.
What should we be doing?
1. Pray!
a. For the salvation of those who are seeking the Lord. Pray for individuals as well as the group.
b. For at least one Biblical Principal that the children, campers, and leaders embrace. The principal may be like honesty and integrity, self -control, love for God’s Word, respect for self, others & authority, courage, and purity to name a few.
c. For endurance, wisdom, love, and patience for the cabin leaders and others who serve in various ways.
2. Give!
The cost of camp and VBS has increased just like everything else. As I looked on the Camp board needs, only half of the envelopes were claimed. Give toward that need. Your heart will be blessed by the report of what the Lord will do over the next few weeks.
3. Volunteer
Workers for Camp, VBS and summer ministries are always needed. Bring refreshments, help with the crafts, help teach, cook, or do recreation.
May the Lord grant us an abundance of souls coming to know Jesus as their Savior.
-Ken Hawkins
Senior Adult Pastor
Do you know the number one evangelism tool the church has today is VBS? Number two is camp! I was excited to see one of our children come forward at the service on Sunday to announce her decision to follow the Lord in baptism after accepting Christ as her Savior at children’s camp. I think her family was overcome with great joy as they had been praying for that decision!
We are in the middle of the harvest season for souls. As the church sends children and youth to camp and hosts day camp and VBS, many will be challenged with the claims of Christ. That those who know Christ will be challenged to embrace Christian principals and grow in their walk.
What should we be doing?
1. Pray!
a. For the salvation of those who are seeking the Lord. Pray for individuals as well as the group.
b. For at least one Biblical Principal that the children, campers, and leaders embrace. The principal may be like honesty and integrity, self -control, love for God’s Word, respect for self, others & authority, courage, and purity to name a few.
c. For endurance, wisdom, love, and patience for the cabin leaders and others who serve in various ways.
2. Give!
The cost of camp and VBS has increased just like everything else. As I looked on the Camp board needs, only half of the envelopes were claimed. Give toward that need. Your heart will be blessed by the report of what the Lord will do over the next few weeks.
3. Volunteer
Workers for Camp, VBS and summer ministries are always needed. Bring refreshments, help with the crafts, help teach, cook, or do recreation.
May the Lord grant us an abundance of souls coming to know Jesus as their Savior.
-Ken Hawkins
Senior Adult Pastor
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